A Place of Universal Abundance, Love, Connection and Freedom
seda star
- Author & Writer
- Inspirational Speaker
- Dancer
Creator of the I Am The Self Empowerment Programs and Products
Seda Star is a wellbeing lifestyle coach that helps her client's transition to a more confident and positive state through the use of movement, dance and affirmations.
Every Friday watch Seda Star Life Guiding Session on YouTube and Facebook at 12:30 PM
I Am Seda. I Am the Dance!
"Through this book of Seda Star you can now be inspired, feel lighter and simply dance through life." -Dr John Demartini -Author of Inspired Destiny
World renowned Human Behavioural Specialist Dr John Demartini, You know him from The Secret movie. Seda Stars' book endorsed by him
"Through this book of Seda Star you can now be inspired, feel lighter and simply dance through life." -Dr John Demartini -Author of Inspired Destiny
Move the Mind Move the Body - Trapped by the mundane, and overwhelmed by negative family experiences, at the end of each day Seda waited to be alone with her music and dance. Facing her loneliness Seda created Seda Dance, a freeform style of dance movement received from her highest self. Seda only became aware of the depths of her innate dancing gifts, when she won first place in a dance contest at the local children's disco. On that day began, not just a successful dancing career in Turkey and Australia, but a path to spiritual freedom, self-discovery and joy. I am Seda, I am the Dance is a self-help book about tapping into this innate mind, body, spirit dance connection - Dance Prayer.
I Am Seda. I Am the Dance!
"Through this book of Seda Star you can now be inspired, feel lighter and simply dance through life." -Dr John Demartini -Author of Inspired Destiny
Seda Star I AM Products
Benefits of I-Am products
- Affirmations reset and reprogram your mind in a positive way
- Clients feel very inspired and transition into a more positive head state
- Positive feelings and the energy that generates a hope of new life
- They become more centered and less anxious and more accepting
- Often our own behaviors do not serve us so these simple affirmation packs can free you from yourself
- Our program of affirmations are simple yet very powerful
- Trusted for over a decade to help and assist clients to embrace a more positive life
- Affirmations can heal your mind and heal your body if you do it properly
- Practice is important and it will definitely help you get onto a positive track
Seda Star Story about Health Programs and Products
- Over the years I have overcome health problems since I was a little girl, and many challenges and obstacles in my adult life. I became the Master of my own self and Master of all after that! Now after years of practice I know how to look after myself and guide others through affirmations and coaching to ensure they can prioritise their own wellbeing.
- I know that we all can self-sabotage and that the power of creating a positive mindset can have a very positive impact on our health.
- Over the years I was struggling with health problems since I was a little girl , and I had many Challenges and many Obstacles I overcome in my life and I became the Master of my own self and Master of all after that! Now years of practice I know how to look after my self , and I know that I Am The number 1 !!!
- If I can look after me than I can look after you Guide you to look after yourself. I have isolated my self for many many years in the one of the darkest time in my life and to find my self in the dark that in life , I realised I Am The Light 💡
- I Am The Light 💡 in the Darkness!
- I was Guided to all and I had the strength to go through darkness and become the light 💡 and create Self Empowerment Health Programs and Back up Health Products to help others and I have done ✅ that specially for me and for you so I could help you and help others ! I
- Looking after yourself it is not only a one night thing , it is a life time journey remember that please! also it needs to be joyful path , looking after you is you are your own BEST FRIEND ! it is teaching you important things about yourself, been blissful and happy with your own space.
- Even if you don’t have any Health issues I suggest everyone needs to maintain their health and always be grounded and have gratitude for life ! Programs and Products that I have created for you it is Healthy LifeStyle Programs .!!!
- Everyone deserve to know how to live life always in blissful and joyful and my Programs and Products are Providing you that !
- Do you know our negative mindset creates illnesses in the body ?
- Do you know how to see and stop your mind constantly creating problems in your life ?
- Are you Healthy ?
- Are you Trying to Maintain your Health?
- Are you struggling with having negative mind chat and you don’t know how to stop that negative mindset and do
- Do you know how to create different pattern to get result? something new to start new life ?
- Is your body attacking self you don’t even know it ?
- Is your mind constantly self sabotaging you ?
- Many More Questions also in the “ I Am The Health Affirmation Online and Video Programs that you will help you to get clarity in your life and will set you for FREE for the rest of your life .
- Seda Star Affirmation Note Book help to create positive mindset make sure keep writing ✍️ and writing ✍️ over over over again .
- Seda my name means sound in Turkish.
- Star means Light.
- Light is the truth.
- Truth is the Light.
- I Am Seda Star . Seda is mean Voice The Sound ! Star is the mean the Light Light is the Truth ! Truth is the Light
- Universe is The Sound !
- Truth Vibrates with the Voice !
- If you don’t speak your TRUTH there is no light
- Life is Energy! Energy Vibrates Becomt Music and The Voice ! Energy Flows through life ! if the Energy Stop Life Stops!
- Are you allowing your voice to be heard or are you stuck you suppressing your inner voice ? If you not expressed your deep inner voice you will be eventually sick one day do you know that ?
- Do you listen the sound of the Universe? What do you hear ? How are you translating what you are hearing ?
- Do you listen yourself in the deeper level ? How are you listening your self ? How are you translating? Are you speaking your deep inner Truth self or are you hidden in the darkness?
- This Musics and the sounds I have created for you to Communication with your deepest self!
- As The Universe is The Sound and Music and the Energy here some of the benefits below my Musics and the sounds for you !
- Healing
- Releasing Anxiety
- Releasing Trauma , Stress
- Mental Health
- Insomnia , sleeping problem
- Boost immune system, heals the heart
- Help with Health
- Relaxation
- Detox
- Breaking Free From the Toxic Thoughts Pattern, limited beliefs , trapped emotions.
- Increase Focus
- Getting Clarity
- Awareness
- Self Love in the deeper level
- Forgiveness
- Deep Understanding And lot more benefits!
- Sounds and Music Scientifically Proves it All.
- Universe is the Sound
- Sound is the Universe!
- I Am The Voice Of The Creator! Mantra For Chanting Version 1 by Seda Star ( Original )Copyrights@sedastar2021
- I Am The Voice Of The Creator ! Mantra For Chanting Version 2 by Seda Star ( Original ) Copyrights@sedastar2021
- 21 Day Repeat for Change Your Mindset
- 60 Day Repeat for Transformation
- 90 Day Repeat for Change your Life around!
- See other Back Up Programs and Products as well
Sound Healing Voice and Music
- My guided sound healing voice and music can help people to heal themselves and these mantras can be used for relaxation, detox, increasing focus, getting clarity and awareness.
- Self-love at a deeper level is the benefit and more.
21 Days Affirmation Course Seda Star
I Am 21 Days Health Affirmation Program
I Am Seda Star
What you will get from 21 DAY AFFIRMATIONS PROGRAM
- What is an Affirmation?
- Food for Thought
- 9 Positive Affirmations for Women
- 9 Positive Affirmations for Men
- 15 Positive Affirmations for Teens
- 11 Positive Affirmations for Kids
- Everyday Positive Affirmations for Students
- 9 Positive Affirmations to Help Relieve Anxiety
- 5 Daily Affirmations for Depression
- 5 Positive Affirmations to Help Build Self-Esteem
- Words of Affirmation to Use During Pregnancy
- Using Positive Affirmations at Work
- Positive Affirmation Cards